
Igor de Almeida

Cultural Psychologist

Kyoto University


I am a Cultural Psychologist, a Social Psychologist specialised in culture. I have experience conducting experiments, analysing data, writing up and presenting results. I have done experiments in English, Portuguese and Japanese. Most of my experiments involve some sort of data analysis/data science, such as analysis of public (large) datasets, machine learning, and natural language processing (NLP). I’m also trained in classical experimentation methods in Social Psychology. Currently I am working at Kyoto University as a Program Specific Assistant Professor.


  • Cultural and Social Psychology
  • Data Science
  • Emotion
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)


  • PhD in Cultural/Social Psychology, 2019

    Kyoto University (Japan)

  • Master's in in Cultural/Social Psychology, 2016

    Kyoto University (Japan)

  • BSc in Psychology, 2010

    University of Sao Paulo (Brazil)






Tile maps of Japanese collectivism

This visualisation is based on Niwako Yamawaki’s academic article [1] and Masaki Kubota’s R code [2]. Collectivism is defined in the …


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Outside the “Cultural Binary”: Understanding Why Latin American Collectivist Societies Foster Independent Selves

This paper investigates the relationship between social marginalization and ideal/actual affect in Brazil and Japan. As a social …

Sharing and Non-sharing Happiness: Evidence from Cross-Cultural Studies in the United States and Japan

Two studies were conducted to analyze how individuals feel and express their happiness in shared versus non-shared events.

Who Can Buffer Marginalization Risk? Affect Experience, Affect Valuation, and Social Marginalization in Japan and Brazil

This paper investigates the relationship between social marginalization and ideal/actual affect in Brazil and Japan. As a social …
